Articles by Sami Serola (inactive)
Move images from one group to another
- 3 years agoOpen the group where you want move the contributions from. Go to page 'Members'. On your own avatar, click the square blue four box icon: Then open the first image, and click the 'Add or remove from a group' icon on the 'ACTIONS' menu. Then add the image to another group. Go to next photo and do the same if need to. But you can only add as many images as the group allows within the limits of allowed quota! You have to either ask admins to increase the limit,…
Bookmarks and shortcuts
- 07 Apr 2021 - 3 comments▶️ Explore New In case we decide to remove it from Explore menu. ▶️ Discover Groups List At IPERNITY - Ambassador pictures ▶️ Explore landscape groups Listed according to activity ▶️ Explore milestone groups According to fave*, favo* or visit*/view*, and listed according to activity ▶️ Explore the world with photos! In case someone wish to figure out how to improve it.
Sharing ipernity articles to Facebook and Twitter
- 13 Mar 2021 - 2 commentsSeveral things learned, when trying to figure out how to get a nice image on articles shared to Facebook and Twitter. Sharing an article I discovered that it is better to always embed a small thumbnail image onto the beginning of the article. Otherwise there becomes some arbitrary " widescreen_example.png " image retrieved from the, where also ipernity icons and JavaScripts are stored. UPDATE: It is better to put the image somewhere around second paragraph. Anyway…
Club News suggestion revised
- 13 Mar 2021Version française : Veuillez faire défiler vers le bas ⬇️ Deutsche Version: Bitte nach unten scrollen ⬇️ [EN] Lorem ipsum... The 600x600 image becomes embedded as a thumbnail image on the row right next first rows. When writing the article, add one line break also right after the image, making the following text lines starting below the image when published. The image can not be on top of the article. If it would, for some reason the DeepL translations would stop working…
Removing your contributions retrospectively
- 12 Mar 2021 - 12 commentsHere's a thing you may have wondered. How to remove some of your group contributions from a group where you are no longer a member? The very first problem is to find the images. For that you have several options. Search on your photos with the group name You or someone else may have mentioned the group name on your photo pages. If the group name is unique, then go to your " Photos ". Then open the drop down menu from the " Photos ". Write the group name there in the search field as…
What it takes to administrate a good group?
- 22 Feb 2021 - 16 commentsFirst things first. In my opinion a good group requires the joined forces. The more the merrier is often true. But it then also means that one has to be ready to compromise. If you wish to administrate a group alone, then you may not reach the success. And that is because the group can not grow beyond certain limits. Groups administrated alone are in danger to turn into a dumping grounds. People may continue contributing in them, but they really never visit the group pages to see what other grou…
Observations on (the old) Explore World Map and Keywords
- 11 Feb 2021 - 6 commentsUPDATE: The links to the old Explore World Map and Keywords in a flash have now removed from the Explore menu. Links to them on this article still works. This article now works as an explanation why the changes were done. World Map ▶️ The biggest problem with the old World Map presentation is that number of significant locations were not covered. Even when new images seem to get added on the map, there are towns and places found with not a single image on them. Even when there shou…
More observations on ipernity groups
- 04 Feb 2021 - 6 commentsExplore > Groups used to be outdated. Old management probably were filtering the groups for Explore. Very likely groups were reviewed in the same way as the images for Explore > Gallery . But since spring 2014 no new groups were reviewed for Explore > Groups. Therefore that tool has been pretty much useless to find any active and popular groups created after spring 2014. However, this is now fixed, and there has been a new reviewed Discover Groups list provided. Search for groups…
Building up one's own website with
- 11 Dec 2020 - 6 commentsThere is a thought tossed in the air among ima team. If we have members, and a server, and a domain, then how about starting again from scratch? One could for example install a free Content Management System on our server, and see how it goes. But there are multiple things to consider: How do we manage the subscriptions? With less than hundred users one could rely on people paying their share with no need to look after much. They could use PayPal or what ever works. And then…
Reality check
- 10 Dec 2020 - 47 commentsWe are "social media nomads", not like those who are travelling around the world and keeping their personal blog or vlog about it, but folks who try to survive in the jungle of social media services. We try to find best and cheapest place to share our creativity and hunger for inspiration. And what makes us as nomads is the fact that nothing seems to continue forever, especially not the social media services. Who remembers such communities as Multiply and My Opera? Who will soon remember Pan…
November 20, 2020 ipernity service break
- 03 Dec 2020 - 11 commentsRecord for the archives To answer the many questions about what actually happened: Friday, November 20, 2020, 18:00 CET the ima-team published the fortnightly 'Club News' (previously called 'Newsflash'). For that week, this was the last action of the ima team, executed with help of the normal ipernity blog editor. Any kind of modification to the software on the servers had not been done. No new html-files had been uploaded, except the notice banner. However, this is a proven, uncritical a…
Observations on ipernity groups
- 14 Oct 2020 - 20 commentsEvery now and then I test sharing private images only on groups, and get some interesting results. What I mean is that I keep the image as "Visible by: Me only", but then I share it on some group. What happens is that ipernity asks if I really do wish to share the image on the chosen group, and let other group members to see and comment the image. The test part is to find out if people actually view my image within the group context at all. And then the test reveals if the group is actually…
Secrets of ipernity search
- 13 Oct 2020 - 11 commentsYou can search somewhat anything on ipernity. But what you may not know are all the tweaks you can do to limit the search. Search for all cat photos (up to 1000) Write simply cat on top of the pages, onto field with "Search for people and more...", and select "Search for photos" from the drop down menu. The default search parameters then give you the most relevant photos where somewhere on the image title, caption, keywords or comment…
IP - Eternity
- 01 Oct 2020 - 4 commentsFound on World Wide Web... Sort of a funny coincidence. More from this Russian music artist IP can be found at SoundCLoud . What comes to the name of our "home", ipernity comes from "IP & eternity" . And IP stands for "Internet Protocol". Our company is called "ipernity" for "IP" -the internet protocol- and "eternity" to evoke eternity, because it is about passing on to posterity via the internet all the digital content that we produce over time. Ipernity is therefore an Int…
Album download with DownThemAll works only with SeaMonkey
- 25 Sep 2020 - 15 commentsUPDATED on 25.9.2020 It looks like DownThemAll developers have been busy to get it running with FireFox (Mozilla) again . However, the Metalink format used here on ipernity is not supported ! This is why one still have to either 1) use other methods , 2) use SeaMonkey and an older version of DownThemAll, as instructed below, or 3) wait until one fine day we get the whole ipernity reprogrammed. If the following old versions of Seamonkey and DownThemAll compo is not an option f…
Modifier la page d'accueil du compte ipernity
- 09 Sep 2020 - 9 commentsCréé avec Screencastify ▻ Ouvert sur Youtube Saisissez le bloc et faites-le glisser où vous voulez. Cliquez sur le rouge moins pour supprimer les cases. Utilisez le vert plus pour ajouter des cases. Cliquez sur le point d'interrogation dans le coin de le bloc pour obtenir une aide supplémentaire. Jouez et essayez. C'est souvent la meilleure façon d'apprendre.
Putting RSS feeds into use
- 29 Aug 2020 - 14 commentsI am an administrator only on very few groups, but I still sometimes wish to have a tool that gives me a clear notice when a new comment becomes posted on some of the group discussions. The News > Your groups is not good in my opinion, because I still have to remember visit that page in order to stay up to date. So, I figured out I give a try to RSS feeds provided here at ipernity. Here's a short introduction and an example on how to use them. Install RSS feed reader extension…
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